Reentry Programming
Reentry in the Wake of COVID-19
The survey builds upon a CSG Justice Center survey issued in April 2020 to learn how the pandemic was impacting reentry service providers and the people they serve. These new results provide an updated snapshot of how service providers have adapted, where they continue to need support, and what new concerns have emerged as the field evolves more than a year after the pandemic began.
Reentering Your Community: Handbook (BOP)
Coaching Packet Series 1-3.Washington, DC: Center for Effective Public Policy, 2010.
Each of these Coaching Packets provides an overview of a key topic related to successful offender reentry, concrete strategies and key steps for enhancing practice in this area, and a “self assessment tool” that jurisdictions can use to evaluate their strengths and challenges in the particular topic area discussed.” “Coaching Packet Series 1: Creating a Blueprint for an Effective Offender Reentry System” includes “A Framework for Offender Reentry,” “Establishing a Rational Planning Process,” and “Engaging in Collaborative Partnerships to Support Reentry.” “Coaching Packet Series 2: Delivering Evidence-Based Services” has “Implementing Evidence-Based Practices,” “Effective Case Management,” “Shaping Offender Behavior,” “Engaging Offenders’ Families in Reentry,” “Building Offenders’ Community Assets Through Mentoring,” and “Reentry Considerations for Women Offenders.” “Coaching Packet Series 3: Ensuring Meaningful Outcomes” contains “Measuring the Impact of Reentry Efforts” and “Continuous Quality Improvement.”
Best and Promising Practices in Integrating Reentry and Employment Interventions: National Reentry Resource Center, July 2018. This webinar is based on lessons learned from integrating reentry and employment interventions to help people returning home after incarceration find and keep employment. The presentation is especially useful for those interested in maximizing scarce resources and improving recidivism and employment outcomes.