Cornerstone Members

Cornerstone Members
The individuals listed below have donated at least $1000 toward CMCA. We are thankful for their support and recognize them as important, “Cornerstone” members. It is because of their partnership that CMCA can continue to strengthen and encourage individuals and organizations engaged in correctional ministry.

Leader Level ($10,000 or more)
Jack Cowley
Karen Swanson

Partner Level ($5000 or more)
Richard Barnhart
Ret. Maj. General Mark Inch

Supporter Level ($2500 or more)

Bill and Katherine Scott
Rogena Spon
Joy Stevens
Joseph Williams

Friend level ($1000)
Don and Cathy Allsman/Completion Global
Marsha Banks
Tom Beckner
Jerry Blassingame
Leticia Chavez-Paulette
Manny Cordero
Vance Drum
Jim Kennedy
Evelyn Lemly
Jonathan Lewis
Liberty Ministries
Ken and Kathryn List
Steve Lowe
Christopher Pritchard
Gene Purtle
Michael Reighard
Deris Rice
Rich and Carol Rienstra
Nick Robbins
Joy Stevens
William and Bonita Stevens
Rev. Carmen Warner-Robbins
Doris Wine