CMCA 2024 Summit Schedule
Thursday, May 16
Pre-Summit Activities to provide extra time to network & engage in scripture!
Summit Registration/Check-In Open
Barrows Auditorium Lobby
Chicago Pizza/Salad Dinner
Wilson Suite, Billy Graham Hall
Pre-registration required ($20), capacity is limited.
Scripture Engagement Seminar
Barrows Auditorium
Phil Collins
Director, Center for Scripture Engagement, Taylor University
Seminar sponsored by Correctional Ministries Institute.
Pre-register ($10 workbook fee), unlimited capacity.
Friday, May 17th
8:00 am
Registration/Check-In Open
Barrows Auditorium Lobby
8:45-9:40 am
Lifeway Research Findings
Karen Swanson, Barrows Auditorium
9:45-11:15 am
Opening Plenary Session
Barrows Auditorium
Darwin “Casey” Diaz, Keynote Speaker
Pastor, Author “The Shot Caller“
11:30 am -12:00 pm
1st Floor BGH Classrooms:
138 (Jail/Prison Ministry)
132 (Reentry)
136 (Chaplaincy)
134 (Advocacy)
140 (Church Leaders)
Anderson Commons
1:30-3:00 pm
Workshop Session 1
Billy Graham Hall
3:00-3:30 pm
Billy Graham Hall
3:30-5:00 pm
Workshop Session 2
Billy Graham Hall
5:15 pm
Anderson Commons
6:30-8:30 pm
Panel followed by Dessert Reception
Ministry Inside & Out: Insight from those with lived experience
Barrows Auditorium, Billy Graham Hall
Ilinda Jackson, Panel Moderator
Founder/CEO Raising the Standard Ministries
Saturday, May 18th
Please note: There is a race on Saturday May 18th at 8am and Washington Street will be closed from 7:30-9:30am. If you are driving to Billy Graham Hall take President Street instead. President Street should be open by 8:30am.
9:00-10:15 am
Plenary Session II
Barrows Auditorium
Joe Pryor, Keynote Speaker
President/CEO Crossroads Prison Ministries
10:30-12:00 pm
Workshop Session 3
Billy Graham Hall
Anderson Commons
Workshop Session 4
Billy Graham Hall
2:55-3:30 pm
Closing Session
Barrows Auditorium
Heather Rice-Minus, Keynote Speaker
President, Prison Fellowship

We are excited you are planning to join us for the CMCA 2024 Correctional Ministries Summit!
If you have any questions or need assistance you may contact us at any time!
Contact Info
(630) 752-7085
Mailing Address:
501 College Avenue
Wheaton, IL 60187