CMCA 2024 Summit Advertising and Exhibit Table Information
CMCA is committed to hosting an annual Correctional Ministry Summit that offers training, inspiration and networking opportunities to those working with offenders, former offenders, victims, and families. The purpose of each Summit is:
- To equip correctional ministry leaders, chaplains, corrections administrators, program managers, and community agency administrators to more effectively serve the incarcerated, formerly incarcerated, victims, and their families through specialized workshops, networking, and resources.
- To facilitate collaboration among organizations who serve those impacted by the criminal justice system.
- To encourage churches, faith-based, and community organizations to more effectively serve the incarcerated, formerly incarcerated, victims and their families.
- To provide a venue for visioning, training, and leadership development for formerly incarcerated persons and victims.
Program Book Advertising Information
(Design deadline: Friday, March 1, 2023)
The 2024 Summit will draw hundreds of individuals from diverse backgrounds who represent a wide variety of ministries and organizations. Every attendee receives a program book. Your ad will appear in both our printed program book and our online version that will be posted the week of the Summit. To reserve ad space, please purchase the ad from the Summit Registration Page. You may email the ad to info@cmcainternational.org. You do not need to register for the Summit to place an ad. Please note the program book pages are black and white.
The deadline for reserving and submitting your final ad artwork is Friday, March 1, 2024. Note: You may reserve your ad space at your convenience & submit your design at a later date, as long as your design is submitted by March 1, 2024.
Size and Pricing
There are three sizing options for ads:
Full-page ad (black and white) – 8”x10.5” $200
Half-page ad (black and white) – 8”x5.25” $100
Quarter-page ad (black and white) – 4”x5.25” $50
All ads should be 300 dpi with a ¼” white border on all sides (see example below).
Completed ads should be submitted as a PDF file or high resolution JPG or PNG.
Full Page Ad
- 1/4″ border
- (black & white) – 8”x10.5”
Half Page Ad
- 1/4″ border
- (black & white) – 8”x 5.25”
Quarter Page Ad
- 1/4″ border
- (black & white) – 4”x 5.25”
Direct all inquiries and submissions to info@cmcainternational.org.
CMCA reserves the right to alter or reject any ad that does not fit within the design parameters of the program book or is deemed inappropriate by the CMCA Advisory Committee. Since CMCA is a Christian organization, we ask that advertisers do not present ideas contrary to a Christian world view, or promote other faiths.
Exhibitor Profile
We seek a wide variety of organizations and ministries as exhibitors to promote opportunities, techniques, products, and services that will appeal to our attendees and equip them to be effective in their work. Since CMCA is a Christian organization, we ask that exhibitors do not present ideas contrary to a Christian world view, or promote other faiths.
EXhibitor Information
Purchase the exhibit table on the Summit Registration page. Please note, all Exhibitors must also purchase one Summit registration at the regular or member price. Each additional Summit exhibitor registration is offered at a discounted price of $100. Please contact info@cmcainternational.org for discount coupon.
CMCA Organizational Members receive a 20% discount on exhibit tables. Contact info@cmcainternational.org for information.
Exhibit booth price includes one 6 or 8 foot table and 2 chairs. Your organization name will be included in our program book. The CMCA program book will be included on the CMCA website. FYI-Outlets are not available for exhibit tables.
Cancellation Policy
In the event you cannot attend the Summit, booths must be cancelled on or before March 31, 2023 for a full refund, minus a 15% processing fee. After March 31, we cannot issue any refunds for exhibit booths.
Questions? Please contact Laurel at laurel.larson@cmcainternational.org or 630-752-7085.
Preferred Exhibit Table
- 9 maximum
- Located in west hallway in Billy Graham Hall.
Basic Exhibit Table
- 8 maximum
- Located in a classroom with coffee & water
Schedule for Set Up and Open Exhibit Times
Exhibitors may set up from 4-8pm on Thursday May 16th. If you are unable to set up at that time, please contact Laurel.
The exhibit hall will be open throughout the conference beginning 8am Friday May 17th.
Purchase an ad or exhibit table directly on the Summit registration site.
Questions? Email info@cmcainternational.org
Summit Information Page >>
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Join us for a “life-changing” event! A unique opportunity to engage with “like-minded” individuals involved in correctional ministry and chaplaincy.
Registration opens Jan 2!