CMCA 2023 Summit Schedule
Thursday, May 18
(pre-summit optional activities, separate registration required)
Summit Registration/Check-In Open
Barrows Auditorium Lobby
Chicago Pizza/Salad Dinner
Wilson Suite, Billy Graham Hall
Pre-registration required, Capacity is limited.
Seminar: How to study the Bible with currently or formerly incarcerated individuals
Barrows Auditorium
Bob Ekblad
Author, Pastor, Co-founder, Co-director Tierra Nueva
free event sponsored by Correctional Ministries Institute
Friday, May 19th
8:00 am
Registration/Check-In Open
Barrows Auditorium Lobby
8:45-10:25 am
Film (Pardoned by Grace)
Barrows Auditorium
Opening Plenary Session
Barrows Auditorium
Angulus Wilson, Keynote Speaker
Chaplain Wheaton College, former Director Institute for Prison Ministries
Jon Jones, Worship Leader
Worship Leader, Community Christian Church, Naperville
Anderson Commons
1:15-2:45 pm
Workshop Session 1
Billy Graham Hall
2:45-3:15 pm
Billy Graham Hall
3:15-4:45 pm
Workshop Session 2
Billy Graham Hall
5:00-6:00 pm
Anderson Commons
6:30-9:00 pm
Concert & Dessert Reception
Barrows Auditorium, Billy Graham Hall
Eric Genuis-Pianist, Composer, Speaker
Concerts For Hope
Saturday, May 20th
Please note: There is a race on Saturday May 20th at 8am and Washington Street will be closed from 7:30-9:30am. If you are driving to Billy Graham Hall take President Street instead.
9:15-9:30 am
Barrows Auditorium
Jon Jones
9:30-10:35 am
Plenary Session II
Barrows Auditorium
Mark Inch, Keynote Speaker
Ret. Secretary of Corrections, Florida
Jon Jones, Worship
10:45-12:15 pm
Workshop Session 3
Billy Graham Hall
Anderson Commons
Workshop Session 4
Billy Graham Hall
3:00-3:30 pm
Closing Session
Barrows Auditorium
Vanessa Gardner, Keynote Speaker
Founder, President Reentry Consultants of America