
Reforms without Results

Reforms Without Results, lays out the case for including people convicted of violence in criminal justice reforms.  This new report from the Prison Policy Initiative includes an interactive map showing where people convicted of violence have been "carved out" of...

Religion in Corrections Participants

Since the introduction of the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA) of 2000,the role of correctional chaplains and religious directors has changed dramatically. Prior to 2000,offenders bore the burden of proving they were entitled to their...

Religion in Prisons

This report was produced by the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life.The Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that provides information on the issues,attitudes and trends shaping America and the world. The center conducts public...

Religious Land Use & Institutionalized Persons Act

Important information to have regarding the U.S. Governments law regarding the right to use a designated land for relgious purposes as a right. It also provides the governing office as well as point of contact in case such righs are being violated.

Rethinking Incarceration Curriculum

In “Rethinking Incarceration,” Dominique Dubois Gilliard argues that God’s justice is relational, and inherently restorative. Examining the...