Connect, encourage, equip and strengthen Christians as they fulfill the Great Commission in Corrections.
Christians working together in correctional ministry to advance Christ’s Kingdom and enhance public safety.
- We value the sacrifice Jesus made for mankind, therefore we are committed to making Christ known
- We value the power and primacy of prayer, therefore we pray
- We value God’s love for people, therefore we enjoy fellowship with them
- We value Jesus’ forgiving love, therefore we forgive
- We value Christ’s redemptive power, therefore we bring His healing to the hurting
- We value God’s earthly plan for humanity, therefore we submit to those in authority
- We value God’s creative diversity, therefore we respect people’s uniqueness
- We value the Church’s teamwork in the harvest, therefore we work together
- We value God’s perfecting work in us, therefore we strive for excellence
- We value God’s patience with his people, therefore we are long-suffering
- We value a life of faith, therefore we forge new ministries
- We value each individual’s calling to share God’s love, therefore we affirm you