Discipleship is an important component of correctional ministry. Listed below are resources that encourage spiritual formation, discipleship, growing in Christ.
Discipleship Resources
Answering the Call: FREE 11 week in prison training for Christ followers–from the Correctional Ministries Institute
Answering The Call equips participants to develop relationships and communicate the gospel naturally, with gentleness and respect, and to disciple Christ followers toward maturity in Christ. By the end of the training, participants are able to:
- Describe the call to make disciples
- Define what it means to be spiritually lost, a disciple, a witness and an evangelist
- Describe the model of prayer, care, share and stay there
- Be motivated and confident about sharing the gospel and their personal transformation story
- Assist other Christ-followers to grow in their faith
What is Discipleship and How Does it Happen? This article by Cru examines the Great Commission of Matthew 28: He said, “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19–20, New International Version). But what exactly is Jesus asking His followers to do? What does it mean to make disciples? What does discipleship look like?
Think Again: Resilience That Produces a Return on God’s Investment Free Discipleship Resource focusing on spiritual growth, written by Don Allsman. The book is also available in Spanish: Think Again
What Non-Christians Want from Faith Conversations
This research sample from the Barna Group takes a look at the faith-sharing experiences and expectations of Christians and non-Christians alike.
Spiritual Friendship: A Navigator Disciplemaking Tool
This tool describes the 5 elements of spiritual friendship which differ from mentoring as there is no “expert”. Spiritual friendship is learning to see the worth God has placed in each person and appreciating the gifts individuals have to offer.
99 Wondering Questions That Could Work for You
This article written by Doug Pollock of CRU provides a series of questions designed to spark an in-depth spiritual conversation.
Scriptural Discipleship
These series of articles, by Ed Stetzer, describe the importance of maturity as a key element in discipleship. There are many things that go into a successful discipleship ministry, but one key is that spiritual maturity must be a goal. And if we don’t teach the goal and preach the goal, we won’t reach the goal.
Your Spiritual Journey: Growing in Christ
This pamphlet/workbook by Dr. Karen Swanson is a guide for stahing with Christ and growing in His likeness. Many people, incarcerated and free, come to Christ out of need, but they stay with Christ when they understand the truth of the Gospel. They stay when they understand what Christ has done for them and what they now have in Christ. This pamphlet is a guide for staying with Christ and growing in His likeness.
Spiritual Growth Tipsheet
The Spiritual Growth Reentry TIPSHEET is designed to help ministry workers who are serving men and women during the pre-released planning process and during reentry to address their spiritual needs as they transition to the community.
Praying Scripture
Praying Scripture acknowledges the preeminence of the Bible as God’s revealed Word, and expresses faith that it has power to judge the thoughts and intentions of our hearts. Praying through Scripture with a teachable, humble heart can remove roadblocks to answered prayer such as unforgiveness, lack of faith in God, wrong motives, or sin in our lives. As we read God’s Word and talk to Him about it, His Spirit will guide us in prayer.
Week One: Taking your First Steps as a Follower of Christ
This booklet by Claude V. King published by Lifeway Christian Resources is a 7 day “coaching” course designed to help a new believer become a mature follower of Jesus.
Bible Study 101
This ebook by The Navigators will help you answer some common questions about studying the Bible and provide a framework for growing your Bible study habit.
Discipleship Resources
This list put together by Dr. Karen Swanson provides links to spiritual growth, scripture engagement, correspondence courses, curriculum and free resources in discipleship. Multiple discipleship curricula and programs are used inside youth facilities, jails, and prisons. Please email karen to share any materials you have found to be effective.
Five Stages of Spiritual Growth
This graphic by Jim Putnam describes the 5 stages of spiritual growth: definitions, traits & phases.
Ways to Study the Bible
Looking for New Ways to Study the Bible?
Here are several Bible Study methods to try:
- Amen, Amen-studying the “Amen, Amen” sayings of Jesus
- As Easy as ABC-organize a passage into 5 sections
- Character Study-examining the life of a Biblical character
- Personal Problems-looking at personal problems in the light of scripture
- Questions of Jesus-Jesus questions as a teaching strategy
- Reflective Writing-written meditation in God’s presence, a way of keeping track of discoveries as God reveals Himself and His truth.
- Tell Me the Old, Old Story-This method helps to find fresh insights in familiar Bible stories.
- The Chapter Summary-helps you gain a general understanding of a chapter of the Bible. A popular method for those new to Bible study
- The Timothy Method-The Timothy method asks key questions about the four purposes of Scripture—teaching the truth, rebuking sin, correcting spiritual deficiencies, and training in godliness which help guide us as we evaluate and apply Scripture.
- The Verse by Verse Analysis Method-A simple, practical way to study Scripture in depth.
- The Word Cluster Method-The goal of the Word-cluster method is for the truth and power of God’s Word to change our lives.